Thursday 30 June 2011

Hotei Tomoyasu VS Downtown 3 on Hey! Hey! Hey! Music Champ

Hotei Tomoyasu VS Downtown 3 on Hey! Hey! Hey! Music Champ

Okay third and final episode of Hotei vs Downtown, and possibly the best yet. Downtown are famous for picking on other people and have embarrassed all manners of people in front of an audience numerous times. Hotei Tomoyasu is one of the few people that can not only get out of the show relatively unembarrassed, but to be the one embarrassing others.

Watch as he makes Matsumoto break down and give up lol

Get from Mediafire (30 MB)

Imai Miki
I meantioned her in one of the previous video posts, but I"ll do it again briefly since she was talked about a fair bit in this clip.
  Imai Miki is Hotei's wife after he divorced Yamashita Kumiko. She was a very popular singer Throughout the 1990's, and most famous for the song 'PRIDE'.

Black and White World
"You've become a mysterious perons lately"
"What do you mean"
"You seem like a person that lives in a black and white world and has no faith or beliefs."

This bit was quite difficult to translate.....
Hotei actually says "You seem like a person from a 'Sumi-e' world, with no faith or beliefs"
Sumi-e 墨絵 is a type of traditional Japanese artform that just uses 墨 'Sumi', a black ink. (絵 'e' means picture). At first I took this literally, and thought that he was saying that either Matsumoto is like a character from a Sumi-e painting, or was like a Sumi-e artist. Either way however, I didn't really see how that was connected with 'a person with no faith or beliefs'...(this was also a word that is sort of complicated 信仰心 'shin-kou-shin').
.........So I had a little think....and thought that maybe he meant a black and white world, since that would sort of make sense in Japanese and English....Anyway I hope thats what he meant because thats what I ended up translating it as. I might be right jugding by Hotei's unenthusiastic kind of reaction to Matsumoto's response.
 Oh well, I suppose it's one of those things... 

What do you mean by 'her'?
"How does 'her' cooking taste?"

The way you say her in Japanese is 'Kanojo'...........This is also the way they say girlfriend. I translated it as 'her' in English for this video as Matsumoto asks "What do you mean by 'her'??" 

Wednesday 29 June 2011



Tokyo Jihen's new album was released today!

Its called 大発見 'Daihakken', which means "Great Discovery"
I am in the process of downloa......I mean getting my hands on it now...
Can't wait for it...

Heres a link for it.

Thankyou whoever uploaded it!

Monday 27 June 2011



Here's another video sub of Hotei visiting Downtown on Hey Hey Hey Music Champ again. I know I already subbed a video of the same people, but whenever these people meet, there's bound to be lots of laughs.


They were talking about a man called 'Yazawa' at the start. They're referring to this guy:
。。。Yazawa Eikichi

 If I was to compare him to someone in the Western world, he would probably be something like the Japanese Elvis Presley that didn't die from overdosing in a toilet. I"ve yet to start collecting his music, but I do have some very nice ones of his. Like Elvis, he used to be the heartthrob for most of the female population back in the day because he looked like this:

It's About As Easy As A Raccoon... 
For some part of the video, they're talking about the electric aided bike 'Lacoon'. I looked it up after subbing and found out that its actually 'Raccoon'....made by Honda, but oh well.
At some point, Hamada asks if its easy to ride the Raccoon and Hotei answers 'Raku..maa, Rakuun te iu gurai desukara' 楽.... まぁ、ラクーンって言うぐらいですから。He made a play on words here, as stated in the I'll just take some time to explain what it was.

Raku ( 楽) in this context, means 'Easy' (but can mean fun/entertaining, if written like this 楽しい 'Tanoshii').
Raku is the what Raccoon (Rakuun, if Japanised) begins with.

So, say that Raccoon is actually called Easicoon,
what he actually said was "Easy...? Well, they call it the Easicoon"....kind of thing.

I know that's not what I wrote on the video but, well........theres not enough time or space for it, and would have been a little confusing so I just changed. it flows pretty naturally anyway. まっ、それはそれで.

Why Hide Your Thumbs When Hotei Comes?
This was one thing that I thought REAALLY needed explaining. After Matsumoto said that, Hotei responds, "What am I, a hearse?"

 A hearse, if you are unaware is a funeral car.
Their is a superstition in Japan that you must hide your thumbs when a hearse passes, or else you will be cursed to be unable to be at your parents deathbeds. I didn't even know that so I had to look it up. Not really sure what the reason behind the superstition is though....

Hmm can't really think of anything else that needs explaining. If you've got any question feel free to comment

Sunday 26 June 2011

TOP 5 Rankings Of Anime Movies That Make You Cry (Males)

TOP 5 Rankings Of Anime Movies That Make You Cry (Males)

Okay well here's the male version of the rankings...

5. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, 風の谷のナウシカ, Kaze no tani no Naoshika (10.4%)

"Many Ghibli films speak to the heart" 
(29, Engineer)

"It has a lot of things that make you think"
(28, Specialist)

4. Crayon Shin-Chan  (12.9%)
"The image of seeing Shin-chan grow up made me cry"
(28, Medical field)

3. One Piece (18.3%)
"I can identify with the strong feelings towards friends and realisation of dreams"
(26, Mass Communication)

"I cried with 'One Piece Movie: The Episode of Chopper+ Winter blooming miracle cherry blossoms" lol
(25, Shop attendant)

2. Grave of the Fireflies (27.2%)
"I also have a younger sister, so it really shook my heart"
(29 yrs, Mechanics)

"I've seen it from a young age and it taught me how tragic wars are."
(28, Software Programming)

1. Doraemon (34.6%)
"They have a number of stories that even make adults cry"
(24yrs, IT)

"Doraemon always makes you cry in the end so I want to show my children."
(26, Security)

"I really cried in Doraemon: The Night Before Nobita's Wedding"
(29, Shop Attendant)

And there you have it. Basically the same list in a slightly different order, with slightly less interesting reasons.

Saturday 25 June 2011

TOP 5 Rankings Of Anime Movies That Make You Cry

TOP 5 Japanese Rankings Of Anime Movies That Make You Cry (Female Version)

So there was this article on, that had the top 5 rankings of movies (voted by Japanese males and females in their 20's)  that make you cry.  Here's what the Females chose.

Counting down

5. Castle in the Sky, 天空の城ラピュタ, Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa (13.6%)


Was greatly moved by how strongly the the young boys and girls despite being messed around by selfish adults.
(24 year old, Shop Assistant)

I was blown away by how amazing this anime was in primary school
(24 years old, Job in education)

4. Crayon Shin-chan, クレヨンしんちゃん (13.8%)

The way it portrays the bond between family members warms my heart. Was especially moved because of its contrast with the stupidity of TV version.
(24 yrs, Recruitment Job)

I watched this with my nephew. I was expecting a show for kids, and was definitely not expecting to cry.
(20yrs, IT)

3. One Piece (22.2%)

I always get moved by the way it portrays friendship and acting truly according to your beliefs.
(27, Public Benefit/Government)

There are lots of scenes of the bond between friends and dialogue of characters with a strong core that gets straight to me.
(20 yrs, School Teacher)

2. Doraemon  (37.1%)

I get moved by the way the usually mean Gian becomes kind, and the usually cowardly Nobita becomes courageous.
(25 yrs, Salesperson)

Doraemon movies are all great but I  particularly like "Kaettekita Doraemon, (Doraemon Returns)". Just remembering the image of Nobita standing up against Gian regardless of however many times he gets knocked down brings tears to my eyes.
(24 yrs, Software/Technology based occupation)

1. Grave of the Fireflies, 火垂るの墓, Hotaru no Haka (42.6%)

I think its a film that portrays the ruthlessness of war truthfully, and I was moved by the image of the brother and sister doing their best to live.
(27 yrs,  Real Estate Agent)

The horror of war, the pain of losing family members, the feeling of utter hopelessness. How can you not cry?
(23 yrs , Shop assistant)

When I think that there would have been many families like this back then it makes me sad.
(22yrs, Printing)

I cried at the image of the older brother trying his best to not let his sister experience any pain.
(28, Shop assistant)

Well, what do you think? Personally, I've never seen any Crayon Shin-chan movies so I was very surprised to see that here. I've seen some Doraemon movies, and to be honest I got a little bit emotional in ones where Doraemon decides to return to the future and stuff so I can more or less understand that.

I can't say that I found 'Castle in the Sky' or 'One Piece' particularly tear jerking......

Grave of the Fireflies is a no brainer though. That definitely has to be high ranking in this list, and absolutely deserves the first place. Can't really think of any that are more sad than that...

What do you think?

Friday 24 June 2011



Today I thought I might do a post about something I find interesting about the Japanese language.
If you read the title, you'd probably know that I'll be writing briefly about sound words. If you went to a school in an English speaking country I'm sure that you would have learned what they would call this in English, which is, onomatopoeia.

Onomato what!?

Basically things like "Quack", "Bang", "Barf" in English. Onomatopoeaia in Japanese is 擬声語 'Giseigo'.

I find it interesting seeing/hearing/reading how the two languages try to interpret the same sounds into similar or completely different ways. Although the renditions can be somewhat different, you can generally still see where each language is coming from.

On top of that, there seems to be quite a lot more in Japanese than in English. I think it might be that in English they often describe sounds rather than just giving it a sound. Also, from my experience people somewhat tend to get excited when they learn onomatopoeia that don't exist in English. 

They often tend to say the sound word twice when describing that noise was made more than once, like:
Inu ga wanwan hoeteita
The dog was barking woof woof

......oh well I suppose they do it in English too. But I'm certain that they do it more in Japanese.

Anyway I think I'll kind of try to turn this into a quiz. I'll throw in some easy ones and harder ones, so guess what the sounds are. I'll also write the repeated version if there is one as well.

Answer: Cat (meow)

ウキーッ!! or  ウキキ , ウキウキ
Uki~! or can be Ukiki     Uki-uki
Ans: Monkey screech(?) Uki-uki can also mean to be really excited and jumpy. (So i suppose thats because monkeys can be a bit restless)

ブーン、 ブンブン
Bu~n,  Bun-Bun (Theres more than one answer to this)
Ans: It can either be things that brooom or buzzz. So something like a car or a flying insect (usually bee). I suppose this is one of the few that English is more specific. Possibly because of the higher amount of sounds in the language?

Answer: Sheep.

パカッ、 パカパカ
Paka, Paka-paka

Answer: Well paka is basically anything that makes that kind of noise, like opening a can or a jar. Paka-paka is most often used to describe the sound of a horse walking. Paka-paka Paka-Paka :)

Answer: Tick-Tock a clock

Chun, Chun-chun
Answer: A small bird like a sparrow

Poto, Poto-poto
Answer: Water drops. Poto-poto is obviously multiple water drops, but quite light ones such as light rain shower.

Answer: Someone sleeping. It's the type of snoring that's more like a whistle than a dump truck.

コン, コンコン

Kon, Kon-Kon
Answer: A knocking sound. "Kon-Kon", "Who's there?" ".......I was going to make a knock knock joke but couldn't think of any so gave up". Kon-kon is also used as the noise foxes make.

Gatan-Goton (this is actually a mix of to different sounds, because the thing...well makes both of these sounds..I'll give a hint if you need it. -it's something you ride)
Answer: Train.

ジャー Or ザー
Jaa or can be Zaa. I think Zaa can be Zaa-zaa, but not sure I've heard it for Jaa lol
Answer: Running water, such as from a tap. It can also be used (mainly Zaa) for fairly strong rain.

ゴー、 ゴーゴー
Go~, Go~Go~ (no its not some guy yelling "Go, go, gO!")
Answer: Anything that makes that kind of noise It could be a raging fire, raging rapids, raging dump if you were reading the others properly as well it can also be the type of snoring that sounds like a dump truck.

ズルッ、 ズルズル
Zuru, Zuru-zuru
Answer: Something wet being sucked up. So it can be someone sucking back up the snot that dribbled out of their nose, or them sucking up noodles loudly. Or both at the same time. EWWWW

Answer: Drinking noise. In English it would be "gulp"

well I think that might be enough for now....the list could go on for ever.....

Well not really but maybe for another post!

Japanese language also describes other sensations (sight, smell, touche etc) in a  similar kind of way, like something a smooth bald head would be ツルツル (Tsuru-Tsuru). A hard flexed muscle (hehe) or well most other things hard would be カチカチ (kachi-kachi). These actually might be even more interesting because now that I think of it (very lightly) these don't exist at all in English........Well anyway thats for another time and another day.

Thursday 23 June 2011


Well heres another video, they just keep popping out now don't they? Well, I finished my uni exams and everything so I've got heaps of time to do stuff so yeaaaaahhh.....

This is from the show 'Hey! Hey! Hey! Music Champ' again....many videos that I translate will probably be from this show since almost anything with Downtown involved is hilarious. They just absolutely love toying with their guests, and 'Thee Michelle Gun Elephant' is no exception. 

Luckily there wasn't anything in this video that needs much explaining so hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

GACKT: Voice Acting on Anime 'Sket Dance'

GACKT: Voice Acting on Anime 'SKET DANCE'

Gackt has taken part in an voice acting role for popular TV anime 'Sket Dance'.
He will be playing  the part of Dante, a visual kei influenced high schooler. Here's the subbed interview (few short questions) with Gackt on his opinion about the role.


Gackt -SketDance Dante role- ENGLISH SUBTITLES by juxtapose31

You might have been wondering what the hell he was saying at the start during recording the character's dialogue (eg Wings that fly to the banquet....)

Well the reason for this is that his chracter, Dante, doesn't talk properly but responds to people in a peculiar way. Anything he says may actually mean normal things but he says it in a way thats highly stylised (eg, old fashioned kanji -at least in the manga-) or in riddle like form. In short, he's a pain in the ass to talk to.

This is an exert from the manga when they introduce the character. They ask Dante what his name is and this is what happens...

Click on the picture to enlarge if you have trouble reading it.

All of the coversations with this guy are hard to translate nicely into english as there's a lot of play on words and kanji characters and if you didn't find what I just posted particularly funny, don't worry...I won't be angry. Just a little dissapointed hehe.

Sket Dance in general is a pretty funny manga/anime, although maybe more so to people that understand Japanese for reasons such as what I just mentioned. It's a pure Gag Manga (Comedy manga), and follows a group of high school kids who formed a club the スケット団 (Suketto dan). The Suketto comes from 助っ人 (also suketto) which means 'helper', so basically its a club that helps out people with, well just about anything.

It can be quite an entertaining manga to read if you're interested, although probably better done bit by bit as it can get a little old if you read volumes back to back. It's also probably been translated by some other dedicated people since its now a popular section of Weekly Shonen JUMP.

Anyway thanks for reading...

......さらば Saraba 
(kinda like an old way of saying farewell)



Hello there, as promised, here's the video I subbed.
It's footage of chat between two (well 3 really..) living legends, Hotei Tomoyasu and the comedy duo Downtown. It's off the show Hey! Hey! Hey! Music Champ, and I believe aired all the way back in 1995.

Get from Mediafire (20 MB)


Things You Might Not Have Understood 

There's a few points throughout their talk that I thought might benefit from some references, which I will explain now:

At one point of their conversation they started talking about Hotei's wife. Hotei has had two wives in his life, the first one was Yamashita Kumiko from 1985 to 1997, so they'd be talking about her in this video

They broke up in 1997, the reason said as being because Hotei cheated on her with her freind Imai Miki.
That was probably true, as Hotei ended up marrying her in 1999

Another point that likely needs to be mentioned is when Matsumoto says that Hotei sounded like Giant Baba when he talked with the drink glass close to his mouth. Giant Baba (or Shohei Baba)was one of the most famous wrestlers in Japanese history, and was well known for his great height (2.09m) and deep voice.
Here's a video of him talking. 

Thanks for visiting! You can look forward to some more video subs in the future......


Tuesday 21 June 2011

Musician Introduction: Hotei Tomoyasu

Musician Introduction:
                             HOTEI TOMOYASU
                                             布袋 寅泰

Welcome to another Musican Introduction....
After doing the last one my plans were to do one on someone who is not from the Rock genre as the past ones have generally been so. Despite this, hasn't turned out that way, and there's a reason for this.

(Following paragraph is me rambling. If you don't give a damn do skip over it)
Recently however, I've been thinking of how to make this blog more popular, because I want to show Japanese music fans music that is aren't done by Visual Kei artists or from Anime opening/closings. Although I could write about them as much as I like about other artists, chances are that most people won't bother reading, because reading large amounts of text unfortunately, is quite tedious. What other ways to introduce/expose artists apart from posting songs by them?........"well subbing interviews I suppose" what I thought, since theirs heaps of interviews out on the web that aren't subbed, yet fans desperately watch them even if they don't understand. So yeah, Hotei just happened to be the first one I felt like subbing and so I thought I might as well introduce him. 
(Rambling over)


Many of you would actually probably be familiar with Mr. Hotei, or if not, many would definitely recognise one of his tunes. The song I'm talking about is "Battle Without Honour or Humanity", the theme song for the world famous Tarantino film "Kill Bill".

Know what I'm talking about now? Yeah, he made that.
Hotei is a very talented guitarist, so much so that he is of legendary status in Japan, and deservedly so.

Hotei first arrived on the mainstream music scene in the 80's as the lead guitarist of the band Boowy (also of legendary status now). The band's influence on people were was so great that they started a 'Band Boom' era in Japan, a time when scores of kids rushed together to start bands in an effort to emulate/mimmick, this group. 

Boowy broke up however in 1988, after which Hotei embarked on quite a successful solo career, which has produced 13 original albums to date. Hotei's style of music is generally fast paced, has Rock'n' Roll, Blues and Rockabilly influenced tunes and very catchy guitar riffs. He has experimented around a fair bit though, especially his earlier albums, which has a fair bit of that 80's primitive electronic sound in it. His later works are more listenable though (well suits my tastes better anyway) and has spurned many  Meikyoku 名曲 (masterpieces).

A lot of his tunes have made it onto TV shows, which I reckon you might recognise some if you watch a lot of it, especially comedy shows (particularly Mecha Ike and Egashira 2.0). Here's a couple:


Skip to around 40 sec 


Well those were all pretty similar, but as I said before, they are just the ones that I've heard on TV (and probably the same show) so it would make sense to get songs that have similar kind of energy....I suppose 

Anyway, he does have some different sounding music, although I have got to say his best songs are often like the ones I've just shown you.

Other songs that I like without writing a huge list are: 
-Eien no Hana 
-Gekkou Pierot
-Velvet Kiss
-Nocturne No. 9

Although I haven't got all of his albums yet, so far I think 'King & Queen' is my favourite.

Thanks for reading this post, I'll present my first subbed video tomorrow sometime, as I've got a my last test for university tomorrow as well, and really should be studying rather than wasting time doing stuff like this...

Monday 20 June 2011

Gackt: New single- Episode. 0

Gackt: New single- Episode. 0

Well, when I started this blog I had it in my mind that I'll try not to include too much Visual Kei/ Pretty boy stuff because there are a tonne of other blogs that do the same thing. Even so, I suppose just for the sake of variety on this blog and the fact that I like this artist I've decided to post the new single by Gackt, called "Episode. 0".

....Also I won't have to write that much/ do research like with the Furyou posts....

Although this news has been out for a while, generally there's only been short versions of them around the random places I've seen it posted. I've stumbled upon the full version though, so here it is if you're interested:

.........Seems decent enough.
He seems to like dressing up as Samurai these days. Which is fine. Who wouldn't?
Actually he's dressed up as here as Gakupo, which is the male vocaloid that samples Gackts voice....and yeah not much else to say about that from me (not a particular fan of vocaloid o_o), apart from that the single cover was drawn by the artist of 'Berserk', Miura Kentaro, which is quite cool.

Weeeell, hopefully I'll get some more readers for this blog by fishing for fangirls and fanboys.

Thank you to all the current readers, or any other random person who randomly reads parts of this blog.

Very greatful yo

Ohhh and if someone could tell me if its possible to (and how) increase the size of these youtube videos on posts, that would be much appreciated.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Japanese Stuff: Furyou (Part. 2)

 Japanese Stuff: 
                        FURYOU  不良 (Part. 2)

Hey there, here's Part 2 of the post on Furyou's (Japanese Delinquents).
If you haven't read Part 1 yet do so if you wish

Sorry for making you wait for this post....I see you're still waiting for me while doing the Unko zuwari.
Hope you didn't get too bored....?

Wo there....You don't need to scowl at me like that...What? I told you to do that?....right. Okay do as you please. 

Wha?..hey! I said I'm sorry no need to gang up on me with your buddies. I see you're taking this Furyou thing seriously........

Was that meant to be a joke or something!?
Ahem......okay sorry about that lame sequence I just did.... let's get started.

A reader mention (thanks for the comment) about the previous post that it was reminiscent of an anime called Cromartie High School. I would be lying if I said I wasn't either and realised that while I was writing it. Hopefully you don't think that I stole the idea........although maybe I did unconsciously. Who knows? Anyway, here's the episode that I'm talking about. It's only about 10 min so WATCH IT

Continuing on with the Furyou's fashion code, I'd just like to mention what you would wear if you were a female Furyou aka スケバン (Sukeban). Dress for these fearsome girls are stereotypically a セーラー服 (Sailor Fuku--Sailor clothes), which is the name for the female school uniform.

**ちなみに (chinami ni --"incidentally/ By the way"), セーラー服 is wear the Sailor from Sailor Moon comes from..because they're wearing Sailor fuku.

Unlike Sailor Moon however, instead of Mega mini skirts, Sukeban's wear long, leg length skirts and carry around a Kendo stick. The red scraf(?) thing is also a popular addition in popculture, but whether they would/did in real life probably depends on their actual school uniform....

Be careful they might also be carrying machine guns

Hopefully you don't get into fights with them because you'll probably face a fighting combo and lose many things including your confidence, your manhood and incidentally your future babies... 

If you're a girl then you'll probably come out of the fight with 50% of your hair lost.



So now you've got your look together, it's time to tell you the rules of the Furyou way. I'll tell you now that these aren't necessarily followed.

1.Fight only with your bare hands

2. Take good care of your pals. If one gets beaten up, gather your band of brigands and get revenge on the guy/s who did it.

3. However, if one of your pals tries to leave the group, turn him into a punching bag because they are betraying your friendship.
Sorry pal.
4. There is no Senpai 先輩 or Kouhai 後輩(Senior, Junior) relationship, unless if they are stronger than you. Accordingly, those who are the strongest at fighting, is the boss.

Well, you're pretty much set to go now and cause problems in society! You can go pickpocket at your nearest convenience store or supermarket, or you can mug ordinary looking weak people. It's also okay now to illegally drink and smoke underage, take other drugs if you please, and in general have a blast.

You can also look forward to a future in Bousouzoku (Hoon gangs), Yakuza or some other crime related gang unless if you come clean at some point.

If you're really lucky though you could become a famous TV/film star,

Ukaji Takashi

 or musician,
Yazawa Eikichi and his band Carol.
They actually popularised a lot of the Furyou fashion back in the 1970's
or maybe even comedian.

Degawa Tetsuro

Hope you liked this post......
Stay tuned for a future post about Furyou slang words to help you communicate in the hard cold world of delinquent youths. Don't know if it will be the next post but I'll get around to it

Friday 17 June 2011

Japanese Stuff: Furyou

Japanese Stuff:
                      FURYOU  不良

Everything about 

Yes, yes, welcome to J Burogu. As you've probably gathered, this post is going to be about Japanese delinquents...

It came to mind that this might be a fairly interesting topic to write about while doing the post about 'Gorillaman', as although a lot of Japanese media (anime, films, manga etc) have these types of characters, non Japanese people probably don't know them. These misguided youths, at least the traditional/ stereotypical image of them, are very different to those of other countries as far as I'm aware. Soooooooo yeaaah....... here we go.

不良 by itself actually just means "Not good" (Not=不, good =), but is generally used as a shortened way of referring to 不良 行為 少年, or  少女.         
                           Furyou   Koui  Shounen    Shoujo     
                              Bad      Act      Boy        Girl

 Okay kanji lesson out of the way for now...  

One of the first things you would probably notice about the stereotypical Japanese delinquent is their appearance. Although in real life many delinquents (due to Western influences) now may dress similar to their counterparts in America/Euro etc (hip hop clothes), the traditional dress consists of the school uniform (学ラン/Gakuran)


Fashion Guide For Furyou

The typical fit for a gakuran would be something like what this young lad on the left is wearing..... Tidy and neat. What an absolute LOSER.

ラン (短=Short)  
If you want to be a Japanese furyou, your fashion has to be more rough. Although there are many variations in sizes, generally the goal is to make your clothes look baggy. The top and the bottom pieces of clothing can be purchased in different sizes to suit your liking. You can have a ラン (Tan Ran), a smaller
sized top like this guy  on the right here. Or you can have a 中ラン (Chu Ran) or 長ラン (Chou Ran) if you like your tops bigger and badder.
長ラン (長=Long) 

ラン (中= Medium)  

Now that you're all sorted with your tops, now you choose your pants. You can have your standard type, or you can go for something extra with either the ボンタン (Bontan) or ドカン (Dokan). The Bontan is what you might call parachute pants. They are extremely wide, but narrow down as they reach your ankles. The Dokan on the other hand a wide and straight.  
ドカン Dokan
ボンタン Bontan

Hopefully you feel comfortable and confident in your new choice of clothes. You should be kicking someones ass in them soon.....

You're not quite done yet though. You still haven't changed your hairstyle!
The most popular is the Regent Hairstyle リ-ゼント (Riizento)

Or you could give your self some curls and get a Punch Perm  パンチパーマ  Panchi Paama

Or you can kind of a have a mix of the two with the アイパー Aipaa

But  if you really want to look fierce, like an 'Oni' or demon, the 鬼ゾリ (Onizori) is for you

Whatever you end up deciding to look like make sure to keep scowling, and death stare anyone who thinks they are tough enough to look at you. When you don't really have anything to do do the Unko zuwari うんこ座り(the Poo Sit) other wise known as Yankii zuwari ヤンキー座り.

Have a puff from a cigarette or drink some alcohol, or you could always attend the game arcade or pachinko parlour...............while waiting for the next post on Furyous....
Because ........I'm tired of

Unko zuwari...
I suppose it's because thats the stance you take when doing a poo in an old style toilet