
Friday, 20 January 2012

Video Subbing (REQUEST) Gackt Platinum Box VII clip

Hey there,

Well the shit just hit the fan in the internet world and everyone has gone all crazy because of the FBI shutting down megaupload. Everyone hates America even more now, unfortunately for the mostly innocent people that live over there. I feel most sorry for people that have uploaded gazillion GBs of data on their accounts that possibly may be lost forever though. I'm just happy that I ended u choosing mediafire over megaupload so my files are safe (for now at least) and they're still available for you peeps

So anyway,  here's another requested video of Gackt. It's only a short one of around 10 minutes. They do some pressure point massage on some peoples feet while dressed in cowboy attire. Really only a video a close Gackt follower would be interested in.....which is quite a lot of people it seems.


GACKT-Platinum Box VII (Foot massage punishment) by juxtapose31


'You' do it
This was an impersonation of Johnny Kitagawa, the creator of the Johnny's & Associates, which is the agency that handles idol boy groups such as SMAP, Arashi etc etc.

The idol boys often tell stories of Johnny telling them to do stuff say "You shichaina yo" (You しちゃいなよ).
He says 'you' in English while the rest of the sentence is Japanese.


  1. Thank you for making my day better. I would really like to try that foot thing myself and see if it really is that painful. By the way, it would be great to see GACKT suffer that same punishment too. I believe the video would only be couple of minutes

  2. Wow, US is one step away from becoming a communist country. I live there but I hate the Americans = hope the FBI don't trace this down...they are creeps.

    Thanks for the video though.

  3. thanks for the sub,,i really want to be able to understand the part gackt tries to get away from the foot "massage".. can u plz sub the other part..

  4. Ohh...I only get sent this part so yeah. I'll do the rest soon then.

  5. thank you so much for subbing this clip <3

  6. Hey GodzillaRadio, my girlfriend's a big GACKT fan and after trying to download this video and play it on RealPlayer(all of your other videos work with it) this one doesn't. I have even tried your XML Bar it still doesn't work. Any way you can help her out?

    1. Hey,

      xmlbar is a program to download videos uploaded on video streaming sites like youku etc etc. That's why lol

      I'm surprised RealPlayer didn't work. It should.
      Try downloading K-lite codecs and installing them

  7. ^ I asked my boyfriend to help me download some videos and that's what he does. >.<

    1. Not the most tech savvy guy, that's for sure. XD The strange part is, all the other Gackt videos work perfectly fine with realplayer with the exception of this and the Shingo Mama one. Weird right?

    2. Yeah that is strange. Did it work after downloading the k-lite codec?
      If not then download a player called media player classic (the that says 32 bit) from here. That's the player I always use.

    3. That worked! Thank you again! Can't wait for part two. :-D

  8. Thank you!!^^ This was a great laugh!!!!

  9. Thank you so much!!!! I love love Gackt!

  10. is there any chance you can sub his phantom show?? the crew and that seem really funny and i dont think anyone subs his full shows yet :(

    1. Phantom show? Ummm not sure what that is sorry. Could you enlighten me please? :)

  11. LOL!!! xD "Does it hurt?" ROFL!!! xD
